Booking Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: August 3, 2023


1.1 These terms and conditions are made between Sercasa, which is the trading name of Sercasa Ltd, (the “Company”, “Us”, “We”) registered in England and Wales under Company number : 14424135 whose registered address is at : 167-169 Great Portland Street, 5th Floor, London, England, W1W 5PF, United Kingdom and (2) You (“You”, the “Client” and all members of your party collectively referred to as the “Guests”).

1.2 This contract is entered into at the time of booking.

1.3 You hereby accept these terms and conditions on behalf of yourself and all members of your party whether you are booking as a guest or on behalf of others. In addition, by visiting or using our Website you agree to comply with the Website terms.

* These terms and conditions apply to all bookings made via the Website at (the “Website”), email, telephone or through other means.


2.1 You are solely responsible for your Use of our Website and any transaction entered into when renting Accommodation.

2.2 Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the content of our Website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) is correct, however it is subject to amendment at any time without notice. All content on our Website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) is published in good faith. We do not warrant that any of the content on our Website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) accurately or completely describes any of the Accommodation.

2.3 Our Website may link to other Websites and we are not responsible for the data policies, content or security of these linked Websites.

2.4 Our Website (and/or other means of promotion or advertising) will only have a general representation of the Accommodation shown. Actual Accommodation size, design, fixtures, furnishings and facilities may vary.


You can either book online via the website or other booking platforms or contact us via email.

3.1 You can book online and search our website for available accommodation. When you make a booking through our website, the rates that you see quoted for your dates on the website at the time you make the booking enquiry are the rates that will apply. If there are any unforeseen changes or problems with your booking, we will automatically contact you first for your approval/instructions, before arranging alternative Accommodation.

3.2 Unless we agree otherwise with you, payment is required in full at the time of booking. Once we have received payment in full from you, we will send you a booking confirmation by email. Please, check it carefully and inform us of any errors or omissions immediately.

3.3 By submitting and confirming the secure online booking, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms & conditions and the cancellation policy. The email confirmation we send will include full booking details including but not limited to: your booking reference, the cancellation policy, the address and your arrival contact telephone number.


3.4 If you book Accommodation by phone you will receive a booking confirmation email shortly after paying in full with a debit/credit card payment over the phone.


3.5 It is very important that you inform us in writing of any special requirements such as size of the Accommodation, location of the Accommodation, or such other special requirements at the time of the booking. We cannot guarantee that all of your requirements will be met although we will use all reasonable efforts to do so.

3.6 You understand that we have made every effort to accurately describe the Accommodation through means of pictures and written descriptions. If the Accommodation does not meet your expectations, but does meet the description of Accommodation provided on the Website that you will not be entitled to a refund of the booking amount and will have no claim or recourse against Sercasa.


4.1 Unless we agree otherwise with you, you will be required to pay in full at the time of booking. If we agree not to take payment in full at the time of booking, you must pay a deposit of 25% of the total booking fee at the time of booking. The balance must be paid in full no later than two weeks before your check-in date. If you fail to pay in full by this date, we will cancel your booking and will have no further liability to you.

4.2 If you decide to check out early, you will not be entitled to a refund of any amounts that you have paid.

4.3 It is your responsibility to thoroughly check the Accommodation upon arrival. Please inform us immediately if the Accommodation is not as described at the time of booking.

4.4 The booking fees include access to complimentary WiFi in the Accommodation, all bills and taxes.

4.5 In the case of emergencies outside of the Accommodation owner’s control they may decide, in their absolute discretion, to cancel bookings. In the event that the Accommodation owner elects to cancel your booking, we will let you know immediately and refund you the booking fees that you have paid for the Accommodation.

4.6 The deposit for damages to the property or losses of inventory shall be refunded to you upon departure or by bank transfer or Stripe within 7 working days of your departure, once we verify that the property and inventory are in the same state as delivered upon your arrival. Should damages or losses occur, we will deduct the necessary amount. In such case, you will receive a detailed breakdown of the expenses.


5.1 Our check in agent will meet and greet you at the property where applicable or we offer an express check in; picking you up and driving you to the apartment (surcharge applies for driver services) We also offer self check-in for majority of our Accommodation

5.2 Please note that you will be required to present your booking confirmation email, your credit / debit card that you used to pay for the Accommodation at the time of booking and an official photo ID (passport)

5.3 Before arrival, we will provide you with check in instructions  to the Accommodation. 

5.4 The standard check-in times starts from 3pm. Please be aware that any check-in outside office hours will incur a £50 fee. In the event that you cannot check-in at this location during these times, we may make alternative check-in arrangements with you. Please contact us at the time of booking to discuss this with us.

5.5 If you would like to be picked up from the airport and driven to your Accommodation, please let us know at the time of booking so that we can arrange this on your behalf. Use of the car service is subject to an additional cost which we will advise you of at the time of booking.

5.6 Occupation must be limited to the maximum number of persons agreed and paid (extra charges may apply for larger groups for the preparation and bedding and linen provided for them).


6.1 We operate a no smoking policy in all Accommodation. Smoking is not permitted in the Accommodation or in any communal areas of the Accommodation.

6.2 If, in our reasonable opinion, smoking has occurred in the Accommodation during your stay we will charge you for additional cleaning of the apartment. The charge for cleaning and de-odorizing is £300. In addition you will be liable for any charges incurred by us if we have to relocate the next guests due to stay in the Accommodation whilst it is being de-odorized.

6.3 Pets are not generally allowed in the Accommodation. If you wish to bring a pet with you during your stay in the Accommodation, please mention this at the time of booking. We will try to accommodate your request, although additional charges will apply.

6.4 The Guest undertakes to keep the Unit and all the furniture, fixtures and effects in the same state of repair and condition as at the commencement of the booking period (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and shall pay to the Company or Owners the value of any part of the Unit, furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects so destroyed or damaged as to be incapable of being restored to its previous condition.

6.5 Breakages and damage must be reported as soon as possible. The Guest must allow the Company or Owner and/or its agents to enter the Unit to inspect the state of it, on reasonable notice, save in emergency when immediate access must be granted.

6.6 The Guest must not use the Unit or allow its use for any dangerous, offensive, noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the owner or the Company or to any neighbours. Community regulations must be respected at all times. Smoking is not permitted inside our Units and the Guest and any member of his or her party undertakes not to smoke inside the Unit

6.7 The Company or Owner and /or its agents reserves the right to ask the Guest and his or her party to leave the property (without compensation being payable to the Guest or any member of his or her party) if this is deemed necessary by the Company and / or its agents where if there is a serious breach by the Guest of the Agreement or their behaviour is such as to endanger the safety of the property or staff. If any complaints are made of anti-social behaviour or unreasonable breakages or damage occurs or smoking restrictions are not observed we shall give the Guest an opportunity to rectify the breach and failure to do so shall entitle the Company or agents to terminate the agreement.

6.8 The Agreement is personal to the Guest. The Guest must not use the Unit except for the purpose of a holiday by the Guest and the Guest's party during the Holiday Period, and not for any other purpose or longer period. The maximum occupancy of the Unit shall not be exceeded. If the Guest wishes to hold any function or celebrations exceeding this limit it must first obtain the written permission of the Company and/or Owner. If permission is granted, an additional charge will be levied.


On the day that you are due to check out of your Accommodation, please follow the checkout instructions provided to you and close the door to the Accommodation behind you. Unless otherwise agreed by us, you are required to check out of the Accommodation by 11am of the day of departure. The Guest agrees to ensure that the Unit is left reasonably clean and tidy (including putting the dishes in the dishwasher where one is available or washing up used dishes where there is no dishwasher, and taking garbage to the disposal). The Guest agrees to pay an additional reasonable charge to cover the expense of additional, unusual cleaning required because the Guest fails to comply with this clause.


8.1 Prior to your arrival at the Accommodation, we will inspect it for damage. We will then inspect the Accommodation for any damage after you have checked out.

8.2 If, in our reasonable opinion, you have damaged the Accommodation we will advise you of the damage and the cost to remedy this, and then deduct this from your refundable damage deposit.


9.1 If you wish to cancel your booking at any time, the terms of our cancellation policy will apply. A copy of our cancellation policy can be found here:

The Cancellation policy (if you cancel the booking), is as follows; 

Cancellation more than 14 days prior to arrival: We retain 50% of total booking charge 

Cancellation within 14 days to arrival: We retain 100% of total booking charge


10.1 If you wish to extend your stay in the Accommodation, then a request must be sent to us via email at least 3 days before the end of your stay. The request is not granted until you receive email confirmation of the extension. Extending your stay is subject to availability.

10.2 Alternative Accommodation may be offered (subject to availability) if your preferred Accommodation is not available for all or any part of the extension period requested for any reason.

10.3 Please note that different rates may apply to any extension requests.

10.4 When we have confirmed your extension, you will be required to pay in full the additional fees.

10.5 These terms and conditions apply to any and all extensions.


11.1 Except where otherwise expressly stated in these terms and conditions, we will not be held liable for:

11.2 any changes, cancellations, losses or damages suffered by you; or :

11.3 any losses that you suffer as a result of the decision by an Accommodation owner not to accept, or to cancel, your booking; or

11.4 other circumstances outside of our control such as fire, flood, exceptional weather conditions, epidemics, destruction or damage of the property by any cause (other than as a result of our negligence) and all similar situations.


12.1 Rates for Accommodation include Wi-Fi service, bills and taxes.

12.2 We may provide additional services at your request through our cleaning provider (and subject to availability) including:

12.3 Bed linen change = £20 per bed plus VAT

12.4 Cleaning service (per visit) =

Studio = £75 plus VAT

1 bedroom house/flat = £100 plus VAT

2 bedroom house/flat = £125 plus VAT

+ £35 per extra bedroom

12.5 In case of lost or damaged keys, or you being locked out of the Accommodation, a call out service charge of £100 will apply. These charges must be paid immediately. We will make every effort to ensure that you enjoy a peaceful stay, however, we cannot guarantee or be held responsible for any failure or interruption of services to the Accommodation, the building or area, including electricity, air conditioning, water or any damage to internet, TV, including disruption or noise caused as a result of repair works being carried out in another part of the Accommodation or area. If we are to be made aware of such failure or interruption, then we will attempt to rectify such services within a reasonable period of time at the Accommodation.

12.6 You must allow us and any representative of ours (including workmen) access to the Accommodation at any reasonable time during the occupation to rectify any failure in services (except in cases of emergency or where a problem needs remedying quickly and you cannot be contacted in time – in these situations we are entitled to enter the Accommodation at any time without giving you prior notice although we will endeavour to give you such notice where possible). 


13.1 Please call us if any problem arises so that it can be speedily resolved. If you remain unhappy with our response, then you can lodge your complaint by email to You will receive a response within 1 working days.

13.2 Use of the Accommodation for (a) any illegal or immoral purpose or the use of any illegal substance, and/or (b) parties (or equivalents thereof) is not permitted and will result in the immediate cancellation of your booking, with no refund given for any unused portion of your stay.

13.3 We reserve the right to retake possession of the Accommodation from you if you do not vacate the Accommodation at the end of your stay of if you do not comply with clause 13.2 above. You shall indemnify us and keep us indemnified against any and all costs, losses and expenses (including legal expenses) incurred in retaking possession of the Accommodation.

13.4 Should the Guest find on arrival that there is a problem, or cause for complaint, the Guest should immediately contact the Company's representative. Reasonable steps will then be taken to assist the Guest. The Company will not normally make any refunds in respect of complaints made after the Guest's departure from the Accommodation if the Guest did not make the complaint or the problem known to the local contact during the holiday. If the Guest wishes to comment on his or her stay a comment/suggestion form may be completed and left in the Accommodation, or alternatively emailed to the Company directly. All complaints made after the Guest's departure must be made in writing and emailed to the Company and received no later than 7 days after the date of departure.


14.1 You acknowledge that we only act as an agent for owners of Accommodation and guests. Any claim that you make in relation to the Accommodation will be forwarded to the owner of the Accommodation, and we will make all reasonable efforts to resolve the issues on your behalf with the Accommodation owner, but cannot guarantee the resolution thereof.

14.2 In the event that you make any claim against us, our total liability to you arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will in no event exceed (a) the total amount paid by you for the Accommodation; or (b) £250, whichever is less.

14.3 Each party acknowledges that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior discussions, understandings and agreement between the parties and their agents except for such variations as shall be agreed in writing by us and you.

14.4 Each party also agrees that in entering into this Agreement, it is not relying on any statements, warranties or representations given or made (whether negligently or innocently and whether express or implied), or any acts or omissions by or on the part of any other party in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement (except those expressly set out in this Agreement) and it undertakes not to enforce or pursue any rights or remedies with respect to such subject matter otherwise than under this Agreement and hereby waives and releases the other party in respect thereof absolutely.

14.5 These terms and conditions and all matters arising out of or in connection with your booking shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in all respects in accordance with English law and both parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts over any matter or claim arising from or in connection herewith.

14.6 If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable then that provision shall be deemed deleted and its deletion shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

14.7 Your booking is personal to you, and you may not assign or transfer it in whole or in part

14.8 We reserve the right to update our terms and conditions at any time. Please check the Website regularly for any such updates.